A UCP of Southern Arizona employment services program. WorkAbility is an individualized and supportive employment program dedicated to teaching and preparing people with disabilities for competitive, integrated, and sustainable work opportunities in the southern Arizona area. We support people in learning about self-advocacy, resume building, job searching, interview strategies, completing work tasks, and much more.
Complete the member application by clicking the "Get Started" button below.
If you are an employer and want to partner with WorkAbility - please go to our WorkAbility Business Partnership Form
This is a Rehabilitation Services of Arizona Service
These classes are meant to be a student’s first steps down the road to employment, education, and/or independent living. Class duration is negotiable, depending on the topic and the needs of the school and/or student. The student is required to meet the eligibility criteria. Must be between the ages of 14 and 22 years of age and have a documented disability. Please contact Brande Kitzberger at (520) 795-3108 or bkitzberger@ucpsa.org for more information. The following are topics offered under this service:
Job Exploration Counseling: Explore educational, training, and skill requirements for various careers
Work-Based Learning Experiences: Hands-on skills practice and assessments
Post-Secondary Education Planning: Discover college/training options and promote a smooth transition from high school
Workplace Readiness Training: Develop soft skills related to employment and independent living
Instruction in Self-Advocacy: Cultivate self-determination and learn disability rights
We have a transition to employment service supported by the Division of Developmental Disabilities called Pathways to Employment. We work with local businesses to provide job exploration experiences. There is also an entrepreneurship piece to the curriculum where students can practice skills they have learned, selling products, marketing and making products to sell, and research. Below are some of the topics we cover. For more info contact Brande Kitzberger or Vanessa Zuber at (520) 795-3108:
Rehabilitation Instructional Services (RIS) is a VR service that provides instruction in the following areas:
Job Development is pre-employment support such as resume building, learning job searching techniques, filling out applications, interview strategies, mock interviews, etc. The goal is to assist people with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining and maintaining competitive employment in integrated work environments consistent with the client’s selected vocational goal, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice. These services can be both VR and DDD services.
Job Coaching is support provided to both the employee and the employer. This may include task analysis, on or off-site training, advocating, conflict resolution, and transition supports that will assist the individual in sustaining the job. The purpose of this service is to support a client while employed in a competitive job making at least minimum wage. The client will receive support on-site with a job coach and may also receive additional skill training away from the job site. The goal of this service is to assist the client in gaining the skills and training necessary so the client retains the job after support ends. This service can be both VR and DDD services.
Supported Education is support needed by a student in college. It would include assistance with enrollment in school, the FAFSA, registering for classes, signing up with the Access & Disability Resources (ADR), and monitoring of the student’s progress in classes. For more information contact Paisley Sorensen (520) 795-3108 or psorensen@ucpsa.org
For more info on all these services contact workability@ucpsa.org
Located just north of the Craycroft and 5th Street intersection, on the northeast corner.
UCP of Southern Arizona
630 N. Craycroft Road
Tucson, AZ 85711-1450
English / Español: 520.795.3108
Toll Free: 888.433.3629
On Call: 520.548.4969
Workability: 520.344.8250
FAX: 520.795.3196
E-mail: staff@ucpsa.org
Workability E-mail: workability@ucpsa.org
We have a regional office serving the cities south of Tucson (Sahuarita to Nogales).
UCP of Southern Arizona
1131 S. La Cañada Drive, Suite 105
Green Valley, AZ 85614
English / Español: 520.347.6950
On Call: 520.955.1706
FAX: 520.347.6917
E-mail: staff@ucpsa.org
We also provide services in Yuma!
UCP of Southern Arizona
333 W. 8th Street
Yuma, AZ 85364
English / Español: 928.259.7700
On Call: 928.750.5554
FAX: 928.259.7697
E-mail: staff@ucpsa.org