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Become a Paid Provider for Your Child

Parents in Arizona who qualify can receive pay as Direct Care Workers for their own children’s Habilitation and Attendant Care services. The program was established by the Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) during the COVID-19 public health emergency, and the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) will extend it, using federal America Rescue Plan funds, so parents can prepare for the transition to outside workers.

English / Español: (520) 344-8260

The parents must meet all the requirements of direct care workers, including employment or contract with an agency, passing Level One competency tests, and complying with Electronic Visit Verification. Starting Oct. 1, parents are limited to 40 hours per week per child. 

The program was established to accommodate families during the pandemic who might not wish to have outsiders coming into their home for health reasons, especially if their child has high-risk factors such as asthma, serious heart conditions, or compromised immune systems, or who were having difficulty finding willing workers. Parents who work from home may not be paid for the hours they are paid by their regular employer. 


Can parents work services with their own children, even if the children are under the age of 18?
Short answer: Yes, with some restrictions.

During the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) began permitting parents to work with their underage children. Using federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

With DDD Support Coordinator approval, parents may work habilitation (HAH) and/or attendant care (ATC) services with their own children. The service hours are determined and authorized by a child’s Support Coordinator. UCPSA limits the number of hours that any care provider can work to 40 hours per week.
What qualifications and training do parents need in order to become paid providers?
The parents must meet all the requirements of direct care workers, including employment or contract with an agency, passing Level One competency tests, and complying with Electronic Visit Verification. Starting Oct. 1, parents are limited to 40 hours per week per child.
How many hours/week can parents work with their children?
Weekly service hours are determined and authorized by a child’s Support Coordinator. UCPSA limits the number of hours that any care provider can work to 40 hours per week.
What restrictions are there around parents working with their children?
DDD only permits parents to work habilitation (HAH) and/or attendant care (ATC) services with their underage children. Parents must meet all of the service-specific requirements for direct care workers in order to be eligible to work these services.
Who can parents contact for more information?
For more information, parents may contact their child’s DDD Support Coordinator.

For agency-specific information, parents may contact:

Chelsie Goudschaal
UCPSA Talent Acquisition Manager
(520) 344-8221

Chandra Divinsky
Assistant Program Director
(520) 344-8236

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Located just north of the Craycroft and 5th Street intersection, on the northeast corner.

UCP of Southern Arizona
630 N. Craycroft Road
Tucson, AZ 85711-1450

English / Español: 520.795.3108

Toll Free: 888.433.3629
On Call: 520.548.4969
Workability: 520.344.8250
FAX: 520.795.3196
Workability E-mail:

Green Valley

We have a regional office serving the cities south of Tucson (Sahuarita to Nogales).

UCP of Southern Arizona
1131 S. La Cañada Drive, Suite 105
Green Valley, AZ 85614

English / Español: 520.347.6950

On Call: 520.955.1706
FAX: 520.347.6917


We also provide services in Yuma!

UCP of Southern Arizona
333 W. 8th Street
Yuma, AZ 85364

English / Español: 928.259.7700

On Call: 928.750.5554
FAX: 928.259.7697
